Tuesday, June 1, 2010

ASM for Oracle 11g with R12 E-Business Suite


One of my visitors' posed a question in my weekly online chat in this site.

>> Tom asked

Hi Srinivas, we are planning to utilizing ASM 11gR2 DB for R12 ebusiness, is there any document that you can point me to for best practice for setting the ASM disks? Currently have only 2 disks; 1 is DATA and the other is RECOVERY. Data disk is for transaction and RECOVERY is for redo, archive log, etc. Can you point me to the right direction. thanks, Tom.

I am making a blogpost for this question because it is ASM is such an important consideration for today's enterprise databases, both for manageability and high availability of data.


You have taken a good decision to implement ASM for your database. We had very good success with ASM and its also fun to work with ASM. Makes your life easy.

You should put even redo also as part of the DATA diskgroup.

1) DATA diskgroup = Datafiles + online redologs + controlfiles
2) RECOVERY diskgroup = just the archived redologs.

Are you using ASM on Linux platform ? ASM is optimized for Linux platform. Oracle supplies an utility called ASMLib for the Linux platform, an utility that further automates ASM management and administration.

Also when you create the diskgroup, I prefer you to use "EXTERNAL REDUNDANCY". Your organization must already be using SAN Fabric for your database. For example, if you use EMC Symmetrix as the SAN solution, you must utilize its inbuilt redundancy feature. So you let EMC handle redundancy instead of Oracle.

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