Saturday, June 11, 2016

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 DBA Training

DBA University is excited to announce MS SQL Server 2016 DBA Training online course. Each training schedule runs for a period of 40 hours spread over 7 weeks. The training sessions are held from 7:30 pm to 9:30 central time Monday, Tuesday and Sunday each week.

Course Highlights

1) 40 hours course duration.
2) Training will be on the latest Microsoft SQL Server 2016 version.
3) Monday, Tuesday, Sunday - 7:30 pm Central Time to 9:30 pm Central Time online.
4) Training materials available for download through Dropbox link.
5) Click here for a FREE DEMO session  (Name and Email only)

Lab work

1) Each student will get a remote lab computer to practice the course work.  
2) The training will be on Microsoft SQL Server 2016 version with Windows Server 2012 R2 as the operating system.
3) 10 hours Remote LAB access on Saturday, Sunday
4) 6 hours Remote LAB access on weekday evenings.
5) Students can use the Windows Remote Desktop Connection program to connect to the remote lab server.

Links and Resources

2) Click here for a FREE DEMO session  (Name and Email only)
3) Click here to register for the online training course

Friday, May 20, 2016

How to restart Oracle dbca after a failed database creation with ASM


This article provides you the details how to clean up the files created by dbca tool as part of a partially created Oracle database using Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM). Let us assume the ASM instance name is +ASM, the ASM diskgroup name is +DATA, the Oracle database name that failed to be created successfully as SALESDB with 12c R1 version.

This article also provides the steps to remove all references that still exist for the SALESDB database before a retry.


1) .  oraenv  (Note the space after the DOT symbol. Set +ASM environment)
2) echo  $ORACLE_SID  (Must show +ASM)
3) sqlplus /  as  sysasm
4) select  name from  v$asm_alias;

Let us find the control file alias name of the failed SALESDB database. It starts with Current. For example, it may be Current.257.912291913. Therefore the full path of the control file in ASM diskgroup is +DATA/SALESDB/CONTROLFILE/Current.257.912291913

5) exit
6) . oraenv (Note the space after the DOT symbol. Set SALESDB environment.)
7) echo  $ORACLE_SID  (Must show SALESDB.)
8) cd  $ORACLE_HOME/dbs

9) Remove any existing initSALESDB.ora or spfileSALESDB.ora that was created during the initial execution of dbca.
10) vi initSALESDB.ora  (Add the below initialization parameters.)


11) sqlplus / as sysdba
12) startup mount force restrict;
13) exit
14) rman
15) connect /
16) drop database;
17) exit
18) Delete the initSALESDB.ora
19) Remove the SALESDB entry in /etc/oratab file.
20) cd $ORACLE_BASE/fast_recovery_area
21) rm -rf SALESDB (Delete any files created by dbca in the Fast Recovery Area.)
22) cd $ORACLE_BASE/admin
23) rm -rf SALESDB
24) cd $ORACLE_BASE/diag/rdbms
25) rm -rf salesdb (Delete the diagnostic files directory structure for SALESDB.)
26) cd $ORACLE_BASE/cfgtoollogs/dbca
27) rm -rf SALESDB


Once the above steps are completed, the +DATA diskgroup should not have any more ASM files for the SALESDB database. Also, all SALESDB references on the database server will be removed. Finally, start the dbca tool again and this time, hopefully, your SALESDB database creation will be successful.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

oracle training on demand

We are pleased to announce that DBA University is now offering all Oracle training courses on demand.


1) Each student gets 3 months of on demand access to a recently concluded live training course through our high quality cloud based videos. 
2) Students also get all the training materials through Dropbox downloads.
3) Two months of dedicated access to our cloud based remote lab servers.

Registration  Please click here for registration.

Oracle on demand training courses

Sunday, April 24, 2016

ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system

Are you receiving the "ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system" error while issuing the startup command for an Oracle database ?  This error message is actually misleading because even though the MEMORY_TARGET initialization parameter (automatic memory management) may be supported on the server, the server may not have enough memory to startup one more database instance. 

So please review the already started Oracle database instances and shutdown one or more less priority Oracle database instances.

Short-term solution

1) Login to the Oracle database server
2) ps  -ef    |   grep  -i   "pmon"   (To find the running database instance names)
3) Then set the environment of one of these running database instances.
4) sqlplus  /   as   sysdba
5) shutdown immediate;   (After getting approval that it is OK to shutdown the instance.)
6) exit;
7) Now set the environment of the database instance that you wish to startup.
8) sqlplus  /  as   sysdba
9) startup   (This time you should not receive the ORA-00845 error.)
10) exit

Long-term solution

A long term solution is to assign more memory to the database server so that you do not have to shutdown some database instances to startup other database instances.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

beeline Error: Could not open client transport with JDBC Uri


Are you receiving the Connection refused  error (or)  Error: Could not open client transport with JDBC Uri when you try to start the beeline command prompt as part of the Cloudera distribution for Apache Hadoop (CDH) ?

beeline –u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000

Though the above syntax should work without any problem, this issue still exists in the Cloudera Quickstart VM 5.5 version.


Just put a  /  at the end of the syntax and the issue goes away. It is an easy solution.  So please try to start beeline with the beeline –u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/ syntax

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Oracle R12 frmweb: error while loading shared libraries


Are you receiving the following errors while launching Oracle R12 forms session after an instance cloning exercise ? One of the reasons why this could happen is when you have a Linux root / file system that is 100% full with no free space available.

formsweb: Forms session <1> aborted: runtime process failed during startup with errors. frmweb: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.


1) Source the applications environment file of the Oracle R12 instance. i.e, BASE DIRECTORY/apps/apps_st/appl/APPSINSTANCENAME_appserver.env

2) cd  BASE DIRECTORY/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/bin
3) ldd frmweb.  Notice the => not found error.

4) Now run the relink all command.

5) One of the reasons why the relink command may fail is due to the lack of free space on the root / file system on Linux operating system. If that is the case, please delete unnecessary files or directories in the root / file system.

6) Now retry running the relink all command and it should complete successfully. 

7) Verify the  ldd frmweb command output again. Notice that it now links successfully.

ldd frmweb | grep -i "" => BASE DIRECTORY/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/lib/

8) Re-launch the Oracle R12 forms session and this time you should not receive any more errors.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Oracle Execution of GI Install script is failed on nodes


Are you facing errors during running in one of the cluster nodes managed by Oracle VirtualBox while installing Oracle 12c R1 Grid Infrastructure software ?

Cause - Installer has failed to execute the specified script on one or more nodes. This might be because of exception occurred while executing the script on nodes.  Action - Review the log files '/u01/app/oraInventory/logs/installActions2016-04-07_11-26-02PM.log' and '/u01/app/12.1.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/crsconfig/rootcrs_<nodename>_<timestamp>.log' for further details.  More Details
Execution of GI Install script is successful on nodes : [oraracn1]  Execution of GI Install script is failed on nodes : [oraracn2]  Exception details  - PRCZ-2009 : Failed to execute command "/u01/app/12.1.0/grid/" as root within 3,600 seconds on nodes "oraracn2"

The command '/u01/app/12.1.0/grid/perl/bin/perl -I/u01/app/12.1.0/grid/perl/lib -I/u01/app/12.1.0/grid/crs/install /u01/app/12.1.0/grid/crs/install/ -auto' execution failed

This issue is known to occur with a combination of VirtualBox 5.x version and AMD CPU  (Phenom X4, AM3 slot) in conjunction with Oracle 12c R1 Grid Infrastructure.


1) Uninstall Oracle VM VirtualBox software from Control Panel of your PC.
2) Then install Oracle VM VirtualBox 4.3.36. This old build of VirtualBox can be downloaded here.
3) Now perform the installation of Oracle 12c R1 Grid Infrastructure software and it should be completed successfully on all the nodes of the cluster.

Oracle may fix this issue in one of the future versions of the VirtualBox hypervisor software.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Sony Vaio - How to enable virtualization in BIOS

In Sony Vaio laptop perform the following steps to enable virtualization in BIOS. These steps have been tested in Windows 7 operating system.

1) Shutdown the laptop
2) Restart using the Assist button
3) Then before startup of the operating system press F2 button. 
4) The Bios menu will come up. 
5) Now go to Advanced tab and enable virtualization.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Oracle VirtualBox - Failed to open create the internal network


Are you getting the error "Oracle VM VirtualBox - Failed to open create the internal network" for the VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter while logging into a virtual machine created in Oracle VirtualBox with Windows 10 operating system ?  If so, please try the solution below.


  1. Open Control Panel>>Device Manager.
  2. Expand “Network Adapters”.
  3. Notice that “Virtual Box hosts-only adapter” is present.
  4. Right click on the adapter and select “Uninstall”.
  5. Complete the uninstall process, by removing all supported files. (This is very important. If you do not remove all the files, virtual box will use same registry entries/drivers after reinstalling).
  6. After uninstalling the Virtual box host-only adapter, Uninstall Virtual box completely. This uninstalling should be done by “Virtual Box” installer. Do not do this directly from Control Panel>> Programs and Features/Add or remove programs”.
  7. Restart your PC.
  8. Do a complete fresh install of Oracle VM VirtualBox again.
  9. Open Control Panel>>Network and Internet>>Network Connections.
  10. Right click on the Virtual Box adapter and select “Properties”.
  11. Make sure “Virtual Box NDIS6 Bridged Networking Driver” is selected. If it is not selected, then check the checkbox and click on OK. 
  12. Open Virtual Box application and then try to startup the VM. It should start without any issues.